- To cleanse, refresh and give comfort to the patient who must remain in bed.
- To stimulate circulation and aid in elimination
- To provide an opportunity to inspect the patients body for any sign of abnormality.
- To help the patient have some movement and exercise.
- To provide an opportunity for nurse- patient interaction.
Categories of Bath
1. Cleansing Bath - usually given in the morning before scheduled test or procedure.
- Complete bed bath- for totally dependent patients.
- Partial bed bath- bathing only body parts such as hands, face, axillae and perineal area.
- Tub bath - client is immersed in a tub of water and allows more through washing and rinsing than a bed bath.
- Shower- client sits or stands under a continuous stream of water.
2. Therapeutic Bath - generally ordered by physician for a special effect such as soothing the skin or promoting healing.
- Sitz Bath- cleanses and reduce pain and inflammation of perineal and anal.
- Medicated Bath- aids relief of skin irrintation and creates an antibacterial and drying effect.
Special Consideration:
- Avoid unnecessary exposure and chilling expose, wash, rinse and dry only. Use correct temperature if water.
- Observe the patients body closely for physical signs like rashes, discoloration, pressure sores, discharges.
- Give special attention to the following areas: ears, axilla, under breast, umbilicus public region and spaces between the fingers and toes.
- Do the bath quickly but unhurriedly and use even smooth but firm strokes.
- Use adequate of water and change it as necessary.
- If possible, do such procedure as enema, shampoo and oral before bath.