- To remove soil and transient organisms from the hands.
- To reduce total microbial counts over time.
- To prevent pathogenic micro-organisms from spreading patient to patient.
- To protect the healthcare provider.
Handwashing Should be done in all of the ff:
- At the beginning of every work shift.
- Before and after client contact.
- Before and after the performance of invasive procedure.
- Before and after handling dressing or touching open wounds.
- After contact with body substances even when gloves are worn.
- After handling contaminated equipment.
- At the end of every shift before leaving the health facility.
- Provide a wide base of support and move closer to the sink during the activity but making sure your clothes doesn't touch the sin.
- Friction, running water and a cleansing agent are necessary to remove micro-organisms or other material that may present on the hands.
- Assemble all articles needed near the sink.
- Use lotion if needed for dry skin although it is not recommended because it is excellent medium for bacterial growth.