Vital Signs

- Also known as Cardinal Signs w/c includes body temperature, pulse, respiration's and blood pressure.

A. Body Temperature (36.5C - 37.5C)

- Reflects the balance between the heat produced and the heat lost from the body measured in heats called degrees.

Core temperature- is the temperature of the deep tissue of the bidy, it is under the control of the hypothalamus.


  • To establish baseline data
  • To identify whether the core temperature is with in the normal range.
  • To determine changes in the core temperature in response to specific therapies.
  • To monitor clients at risk for imbalanced body temperature.

B. Pulse (60 - 100 BPM)

-Is a wave of blood created by contraction of the left ventricle of the heart.


  • To establish baseline data.
  • To identify whether pulse is in the normal range.
  • To determine whether pulse rhythm is regular and the pulse volume is appropriate.
  • To compare the equality of corresponding peripheral pulse on each side of the body.
  • To monitor and assess changes in the client's health status.
  • To monitor client's @ risk for pulse alterations.

C. Respirations (16-20 CPM)

-Is the act of breathing.

External Respiration- interchange of gases between aveoli of the lungs and pulmonary blood.

Internal Respiration- interchange of gases between circulating blood and cells of the bdy tissues.


  • To acquire baseline data.
  • To monitor abnormal respiration's and respiratory patterns and identify changes.
  • To assess respiration's before the administration of a medication.
  • To monitor client's @ risk for respiratory alteraton.

D. Blood Pressure (120/ 80)

-Is the force exerted by the blood against the vessel wall.

Arterial BP- is a measure of the blood as it flows through the arteries.

Sstolic Pressure- pressure of the blood as a result of the contraction of the ventricles.

Diastolic Pressure- the pressure when the ventricles are at rest.


  • To obtain a baseline measure of arterial BP.
  • To determine the client's hemo dynamic status.
  • To identify and monitor changes in blood pressure resulting from a disease process and medical therapy.